dimanche 22 février 2015

dimanche 15 février 2015

My drawing tips | n°1 : le matériel

Hy people :) today I decided to start a new video serie called "My drawing tips" where I'll talk about all my tips that I have for drawing. I'm sorry if it's in french :( my english is not bad but I'm not able to speak it in front of the camera. If you have any question about what I'm saying during this video, here is my email : mademoiselle.julie22@gmail.com

Enjoy :D and thank you for subscribing to my channel 

Follow me on Instagram @mademoiselle_julie22 


Or on my Facebook page : https://www.facebook.com/UnPeuDartEntreNous

vendredi 16 janvier 2015

Thank you !!

I just still can't believe that I reached 1000 subscribers on my Youtube channel this week ! Thank you so much everybody ! ;)